I am an Associate Professor and Chair of the Political Science Department at UMass Boston.
I teach and conduct research in the areas of international relations, foreign policy analysis, nationalism, research design and methodology, constructivist political theory, and the comparative politics of East Asia.
Differences among Countries
Much of my research focuses on the way we form impressions of other countries.
Seeing Japan
My forthcoming book on Japan explores the way the country is seen by its East Asian neighbors. I develop a theory of emotion in foreign policy to help account for Japan’s international image.
Political Psychology
I conduct research about the way personality and leader-group dynamics affect foreign policy decision making. My book on this topic contrasts groupthink with another problem, which might be called deadlock.
Although I’m not inclined to commit myself to a single tribe of international relations scholars, many people would consider me a constructivist. I’ve edited and contributed to several books on the subject.